
Did you know your brain function is affected by trillions of microorganisms in your gut?

Your gastrointestinal tract colonizes a variety of “good” bacteria, and they have several functions including a role in some neurotransmitter’s formation. The interaction between your enteric (stomach) nervous system and your central nervous system has an indirect effect on your brain function.

Intermittent fasting helps to enrich the diversity of your gut microorganisms. Two of the main factors for a healthy gut are your diet and the time you eat.

How does intermittent fasting contribute to your brain top performance?


Did you know that your cholesterol plays important roles in your body including building cells and making hormones?

The American Heart Association defines cholesterol as a waxy substance, which isn’t essentially “bad.” But too much cholesterol can be a problem, leading to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

Can Intermittent Fasting impact your cholesterol?

Before answering this question, let’s understand cholesterol’s relationship with your liver.

Only about 20% of your cholesterol comes from the foods you eat. Your liver makes most of the cholesterol you need and sends it out for other cells functions. It also receives the excess cholesterol back for processing and removal from the body. Your cholesterol levels stay healthy when the liver is doing its job well.


 Have you ever been awake at night wondering if there is any secret to keeping a healthy weight?

Are you concerned with a family history of high blood sugar or diabetes?

Science has shown a close relationship between obesity and diabetes. If you’re obese and don’t have diabetes, it’s not a reason to feel safe. You may have insulin resistance and not be aware. When you’re diagnosed with diabetes usually you’ve been insulin resistant for about 10 years.

Here we’re going to explore how simple habits related to the time you eat can affect your weight and sugar control.


Did you know high blood pressure is called the silent killer?

It’s because most of the time it doesn’t give you a clue it’s high. Since you have no symptoms, you may go without treatment for years. Meanwhile, it’s damaging your body leading to heart attack, stroke, kidney dysfunction, vision loss, dementia, and sexual dysfunction.

When was the last time you checked your blood pressure? Whether you take blood pressure medication or not, it’s important to check it once in a while.

Let’s explore intermittent fasting and its effect on your blood pressure.


You don’t want to wait until you’re burned-out and exhausted to start taking care of yourself.

Have you felt overwhelmed by your fast-paced life? Self-care helps you to deal with life demands.

Self-care is not being selfish – you can only take good care of your loved ones if you take care of yourself first. You can’t give what you don’t have.

Self-care is intentionally taking care of your own needs. It will help you manage stress, increase your energy, and boost your immune system.

Here are some examples in 5 areas of self-care. Most of the practices takes 5-10 minutes.


 First let’s talk about what telemedicine is.

Telehealth refers to a broader scope of remote health care services. Telemedicine is more specific to clinical visits at a distance using two-way communication.

Telemedicine is under the same requirements as office visits for compliance with state and federal laws using best practice guidelines to provide safe patient care.

Let’s discuss some advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine.

ADVANTAGES of telemedicine:

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