
Do you believe that as little as 5 minutes a day of regular physical activity can improve your mood and focus? Studies have shown it can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins, also known as “feel-good” chemicals, in the brain. Exercise can help reduce your stress and improve your overall physical and mental health.

Finding time to exercise every day can be a challenge with your busy schedule, but you can find 5 minutes, right?


Is it possible to maintain a healthy weight without going through the pains of dieting? You probably know someone slogging through a diet right now.

Quick fix diets for weight loss are often not sustainable and can be harmful to your health. They can cause muscle loss, slow metabolism, and eventually a rebound weight gain. While diets can lead to weight loss in the short term, the lasting results are limited.

Research shows that long term weight management is more effective when you focus on your wellbeing instead of how you look.

Here are 10 science-based ways that changing your lifestyle may help you lose weight without dieting:


Are you a part of the “inside generation?”

How much time are you really spending indoors? Would you say about two-thirds of your time?

That’s what most survey respondents thought too. But the truth is closer to over nine-tenths of their time!

90 percent of the population spend about 22 hours inside every day without even realizing it.

We may be part of the “Inside Generation” spending a lot more time indoors than we realize.

A study by YouGov of around 16,000 people across 14 countries found a huge disparity between how much time people think they are spending outdoors versus how much sunlight and fresh air they are actually getting.


Here are a few tips to help you to safely assess 7 scary symptoms that you can treat yourself and save a visit to the doctor.

  1. Elevated blood pressure: Don’t worry if it’s just one reading after a stressful event. If you haven’t checked your BP in a while and then see the higher number 140’s or 150’s, if you don’t have any other symptoms, don’t freakout. Rest for 20 minutes and measure it again, if it goes back to 120’s, just keep an eye on it, measure it a few times a week and mention it your doctor on your next appointment. You might have pre-hypertension and some lifestyle modification can help you delay or prevent the need for medication.

When to see your doctor: If you get high readings several times a week, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP. Untreated high blood pressure is called the silent killer, it increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. If your blood pressure is over 180 the higher number or the lower number is over 110, this is a medical emergency, seek help immediately.


First of all, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! If you are dealing with obesity and or mental health issues believe it’s not your fault as these are complex challenges.

Let’s look at the question: Are obesity and mental health issues related?

The National Institute of Health has published studies linking obesity with depression, and other psychological issues.

Each person is unique in their physical and mental status. The effect of genes and environmental factors plays a role in both. Some genes are linked to cortisol response to stress which has metabolic effects on mental illness and tendency to obesity. Genetic research will continue to provide more understanding on this topic.


Growing up, I heard many times that meditation was for weird people. It was something mystical and dangerous. I remember a psychology class in high school where the teacher, a nun, tried to instruct us on how to meditate. I purposefully didn’t follow her guidance because I was afraid to have my mind taken by the devil!

It took me decades to start learning about different types of meditation and to find the ones aligned with my spiritual beliefs. I started slowly with guided mindfulness meditation and progressed to my own practice.

Meditation and your Health

The health benefits of meditation are well-documented. Research shows that meditation can help with controlling blood pressure, pain, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve sleep, mental focus, problem solving skills, and boost the immune system.

Meditation can make positive changes to the structure of your brain. Neuroscientists have been interested in neuroplasticity since the 1800’s. By the 1960’s, studies started to demonstrate the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections in response to learning and experiences like meditation.


You’re doing your best to make good food choices, but you may be discouraged with the results.

Is your weight not where you’d like it to be? Has your energy been low for a long time? Any other health issues you’re struggling with?

Let’s be real – you’re busy and your diet should be easy to follow. A diet plan that is overly restrictive or doesn’t fit your lifestyle usually doesn’t last long. Little changes over time works best.

Here are 5 foods that may be spiking your insulin.



This surprisingly easy roadmap will lead you to the benefits of intermittent fasting. In 5 steps you’ll know how to start and stick with it.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It is a lifestyle where you eat within a time interval and fast in a longer time interval.

The following 5 steps to start your intermittent fasting may encourage you to move into the action phase.


Did you know your brain function is affected by trillions of microorganisms in your gut?

Your gastrointestinal tract colonizes a variety of “good” bacteria, and they have several functions including a role in some neurotransmitter’s formation. The interaction between your enteric (stomach) nervous system and your central nervous system has an indirect effect on your brain function.

Intermittent fasting helps to enrich the diversity of your gut microorganisms. Two of the main factors for a healthy gut are your diet and the time you eat.

How does intermittent fasting contribute to your brain top performance?


Did you know that your cholesterol plays important roles in your body including building cells and making hormones?

The American Heart Association defines cholesterol as a waxy substance, which isn’t essentially “bad.” But too much cholesterol can be a problem, leading to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

Can Intermittent Fasting impact your cholesterol?

Before answering this question, let’s understand cholesterol’s relationship with your liver.

Only about 20% of your cholesterol comes from the foods you eat. Your liver makes most of the cholesterol you need and sends it out for other cells functions. It also receives the excess cholesterol back for processing and removal from the body. Your cholesterol levels stay healthy when the liver is doing its job well.

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